Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:48:01 No.5218 del
UK Govt Decided Not to Deport Pakistani Grooming Gang Kingpin Four Years Ago

The British government has been revealed to have decided four years ago to not deport the ringleader of a child rape grooming gang in Rochdale from the UK after he renounced his citizenship in his native Pakistan.

During a deportation tribunal for his fellow child rapists, Abdul Aziz, 51, was revealed to have successfully secured his status in the UK four years ago despite previously losing an appeal against the government stripping of his UK citizenship.

The ongoing tribunal for fellow Pakistani national Rochdale grooming gang members Adil Khan, 51 and Qari Abdul Rauf, 52, heard that Abdul Aziz renounced his Pakistani citizenship on July 13, 2018, just five days before all three rapists lost the right to retain their UK citizenship.

Because of this, then Home Secretary Sajid Javid made the decision “not to make a deprivation order in respect of you,” thereby allowing Aziz to retain his British nationality and therefore avoid deportation, The Daily Mail reported.

Aziz, referred to by other members of the Rochdale grooming gang as “The Master”, was jailed for nine years in 2012. He was convicted of trafficking and sexually exploiting a 15-year-old girl, whom he took around apartments in Rochdale where she was plied with vodka and drugs and forced to have sex with other men in exchange for money.

In 2015, then-Home Secretary Theresa May ruled that all three men should lose their British citizenship due to the heinous nature of their crimes, saying it would be “conducive to the public good” to revoke their right to remain in the country.

The failure of successive conservative governments to deport the Pakistani child rapists has been a subject of controversy, perhaps explaining why the government kept it secret that it had granted Aziz the right to remain in Britain.

Commenting on the failure to deport the groomers, former detective turned rape gang whistleblower Maggie Oliver said: “All three of them should have been kicked out of the country as soon as they were released from prison.

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