Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:48:44 No.6029 del
Want To Increase Your Intelligence, You Must Forget Old Habit & Try Something New
Source, More Beyond Godlike Articles:

Most people cannot forget their old habit, which is the major block on the way to gain new real enlightenment of life.

You need to read/watch history of humanity and this civilization.
You must to remember that all the knowledge gods/deities given humanity are just the study tools for mortal human such as language, number, religions, ritual, etc.
So if you want to raise above “mortal human” realm level, you must stop doing all those things.

You cannot truly exit the matrix if you still believe in number “destiny”.

You are not a “fair” person if you still using any ritual, thus “block” your own enlightenment road.

You must use your brain/mind to analyze, to think, to self explain why this religion have this practice, why that religion have other pinciples, etc.

When you are “connecting” with others such as having a lot of wealth/money or in any group/organization, you are hidden also “hold” the “negative unwanted” karma energy of others, thus you will be less smart, less chance to understand the magic of life.

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