Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:49:14 No.6263 del
Was just telling my wife about God's grace and why it is the most important thing in the world for anyone to understand. Grace is a Light. It's the Light of understanding that can manifest into our realm by it's own Wisdom and Authority. There is nothing we can do except accept it as a Grace from the Most High. We can't save our own souls nor can we beg, borrow, or steal this Grace; it has to be given. Just like I said, only God can give Revelation(s). My wife suddenly pointed out that a necklace she got from her church a while ago that had a tiny tiny Star of David which she had hung on the wall had some type of shadow underneath it. After careful inspection we saw that it was oil. I reminded her that Jesus said he saw you under the Olive (I'll Live) tree. This is why we use oil to anoint, as a Blessing and a Grace; Amen.