Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:49:21 No.6407 del
Zelensky ‘Very Happy’ Boris Johnson Survived No-Confidence Vote

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he is ‘very happy’ that Boris Johnson managed to survive a vote of no confidence on Monday, describing the Prime Minister as a “true friend of Ukraine”.

While some Britons may lament their Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, having survived an assault on his leadership of the governing Conservative party, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has meanwhile expressed his delight that Johnson’s premiership has lived to see another day.

Euphemistically referred to at points as “big dog” within the Tory party, at points yesterday it looked like Johnson’s goose may have indeed been cooked as Conservative party rebels aimed to oust the PM with a vote of no confidence.

However, Johnson appears to have survived last night’s political hit job — for now, given it remains to be seen whether the challenge will have other consequences — thanks to a majority of Tory MPs voting to keep him at the helm, a fact that Volodymyr Zelensky is extremely pleased about.

“I am very happy about it,” the Ukrainian President said. “I am happy that because I think that Boris Johnson is a true friend of Ukraine. I regard him as our ally. I think that Great Britain is our great ally.”

Zelensky’s position on Boris Johnson, despite Johnson’s domestic policy failings: the UK government has repeatedly backed the Ukrainian war effort, with the Prime Minister himself even visiting the war-torn nation relatively early on in the conflict to show his support.

The Johnson administration has also not been shy about sending munitions to Ukraine, shipping billions of pounds worth of weapons and munitions to the eastern European state.

“I want to be frank with you — Boris is supporting us, Boris is very concrete in supporting Ukraine,” Zelensky said, emphasising that he was grateful MPs had decided to keep Johnson in power.

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