Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:49:31 No.6680 del
Dominion Exposed
Supporting Documentation Details

The supporting documentation for Report #3 - Election Database and Data Process Analysis can be downloaded below. The download is a single zip archive file which contains database files from a Dominion voting machine. This single file is about 750MB in size and depending on the speed of your Internet connection can take a number of minutes to download. The remainder of this article will detail an sample of what can be found in the download, what specifically is included in the download, how to use the downloaded files to perform your own analysis.
Sample Content

For your reference, included below are several screenshots of what these databases look like when viewed within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Listing of tables within a Dominion database
List of tables in database
List of items within the "ActivityItems" table within a Dominion database
List of items within the ActivityItems table

What's Included

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