Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:45:25 No.693 del

Just before ousted Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the election, his Attorney-General Michaelia Cash stacked the Administrative Appeals Tribunal with a host of Liberal Party mates. Political appointments are out of control and the AAT needs to be killed off, writes Greg Barns SC.
The office of Attorney-General is one that has been tarnished by the Morrison government. Both Christian Porter and Michaela Cash used it to destroy the independence of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) by turning the AAT into a branch of the Liberal Party.
They also approved the disgraceful prosecution of Bernard Collaery, the man who blew the whistle on the Howard government’s espionage against East Timor in the early 2000s. And, as has been the case since 9/11, both were in the thrall of the authoritarian security state bosses in ASIO, ASIS and the like and passed into law whatever odious attack on liberty was served up to them by those agencies.

Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Paul Arrested For DUI in Napa

George Soros Says He Worked with Biden “Who Was Very Deeply Involved in Ukraine”

Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, visited the headquarters of BlackRock, the "world's largest shadow bank" with $10 trillion in assets under management.

Inside Daniel Andrews' new 'Big Brother' style data agency he tried to keep secret as it watches EVERY move of Victorians from how they spend their money to personal health records

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