Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:51:03 No.8297 del
It’s actually pretty fucking crazy how you retards still think Trump and Q are coming to save America lol.
Like legit BANANALAND.
But you do you, anons.
It’s not MY reputation being flushed down the toilet.
It’s not MY name on a government watchlist.
You guys think you’re like some codebreaking windtalkers, when in reality, you’re just a couple dozen goofballs seeing who can make the most ridiculous connections.
>omg, Trump just reTruthed (LOL) a meme saying he won the 2020 election!
>but wait! there’s more!
>in 2018, Q posted this “stringer” where the letter G points to 7 o’clock. If we invert the clock (think mirror), the number 2 points to tennis sneakers!
If I was in the same room as any of you, I would literally point and laugh right in your fucking face, wicked loud, too, so everyone would turn around and look at you blushing because a bigger, stronger, man is embarrassing you in front of everyone.