Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 08:07:06 Id: 23cb70 No.457 del
Well this American feels like chiming in
I sure as fuck love you Brits
I will forgive fveyes and godlike, all you do
every island you have, is a lilypad to freedom, if you get my drift. Jersey, Cumberton, the other one...
So many laughs, tho you don't approve of the young ones or monty python, I love both, and hate that fuckin tosser mick jagger.
God bless you, I am available for questions.
Best board on endchan in my humble opinion, fuckin don't let fraucau tell you guise what to do! Pic is to celebrate your cheekines, how can those germans continually be such humorless irresponsible twats?