Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:29:41 Id: ee2434 No.518 del
I was just reading about the history of Jim and hotwheels, going back to 2016.
It looks like Jim was very keen on winning the favour of /pol/acks as soon as he got control. He had a q&a session and claimed that 8chan was infested with pedos and he would b& them for moral reasons.
Problem was, once he implemented his ip blocking a ton of polacks got autob& as pedos who could have predicted this. Anyway, he banned /hebe/, but told them that he was only banning them for persistent rule breaking. Meanwhile he just makes the other pedo boards hidden.
Then he freaks out over people criticizing his god emperor Duterte, and implements block ip ban across Philippines without any public comment.
I can see why hotwheels says he is two faced and has no principles other than ingratiating himself with whoever he is talking to but hotwheels is still a crippled cuck