Anonymous 01/08/2020 (Wed) 14:53:43 No.469 del
Holy fuck this has gotten pathetic. I'm not even going to argue your moral outcry against file sharing but if you've been on the internet for more than a fucking week you'd realize that A: You can't control the internet and B: Raging against people on the internet or trying to beg them to stop doing something usually leads them doing the exact opposite of what you want.

I never even post here and I don't know if it's just been you, but it's certainly been no more than a couple of you who keep coming back time after time just to make bitchy posts. You should probably reevaluate who really needs to get a job and a life, or at the very least lurk moar and understand how the internet works so you don't keep coming back to waste your breath, figuratively speaking.