Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 05:33:54 No.11 del
>some context about the board
It's an international board with a focus on serious discussion on whatever topics although little funposting is tolerated. While not declared in practice we are SFW, kinda.
>I'll go to the strikes Thursday and Friday so that's when I'll post the updates
No hurry, we're there, it's a slow board so whatever you post will remain but expect getting replies slowly. If any. From me you're sure have some, I'm interested.
>what's /kc/ userbase's politics like?
We are a couple of dudes (2 on worst days and up to bout 12 on best) with various political views, quite a mix. We aren't /pol/ and don't flame anyone for his political opinion, although we might ask for justification, and presenting arguments on his own behalf. Only lurkers or one time/rarely posters will flame there.
We have a "test" thread somewhere with the results of various political tests found online, you can refer to that if you wish, can be found in the Catalogue. Also we always have politics oriented threads, the past ones were better, maybe some still alive.