anĂ²nim 10/16/2019 (Wed) 16:55:51 No.13 del
(396.72 KB 1663x1504 le-turan-face.jpg)
>how catalans are not white
Well, we welcome you in the Turan brotherhood then, kek.
>do I make a new thread or do I post it in the politics thread?
I think you can open a new thread. But it depends how much stuff you have. One of our main Catalonia discussioner doesn't post anymore, so not sure how much will be the interest.
>I might post there once in a while, I'm not a big chan user
Ok, no pressure. Wait... are you from El Nacional or something?

Btw how I found you yesterday and how I knew you posted now: on the home page there's the Eye of Sauron which displays new posts. And next to it new images.