Anonymous 09/04/2019 (Wed) 01:11:13 No.136 del

>No, the website allows loli, not any Christian board.

My mistake. I meant to reference the front page of Endchan.

>Nobody pretends that imageboards substitute personal relationships.

There are clearly people who think of anon image boards as a substitute for personal relationships, regardless of the consequences or their bitterness or misery. Part of the draw of an anon image board is the lack of consequences of direct confrontation and slip-ups that might affect one's reputation, or as you aptly pointed out, the escapism of being a jerk or internet tough guy, void of the requirements or ramifications of such a persona in the real world, that comes with anonymity.

>That's not because it's anonymous, that's because we share the site with those degenerates,

It's the Online Disinhibition Effect on steroids that makes most image boards a haven for degenerate behavior and pursuits in the first place. As stated before, why do you think the vast majority of boards on a typical image board are porn, pedophiles, nihilistic trolls, kooky ideologies, etc? Is there such thing as an anonymous image board full of super happy positive fun time boards?

>Christian imageboards are oftentimes the only place you can ask the controversial theological questions

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