Anonymous 09/08/2019 (Sun) 01:17:27 No.172 del

>I believe in the Aryan God

Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! Considering he's either being worshiped by hippie New Agers and Wiccans, or fringe far-right LARPers who have had no major impact on Western civilization for over a thousand years, maybe you’ll have to shout louder to get his attention. Maybe then him and his followers will actually be effectual!

For surely he is a god! Perhaps he is daydreaming, or is relieving himself. Or maybe he is away on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be wakened! Sure, y'all have been trying to wake him up since at least the 60s (and even further back if you count the esoteric tomfoolery around the late 1800s and early 1900s.)

>"B-B-B-B-But muh Dark Ages! Muh Enlightenment!!"

The first, a debunked myth coined by a naive man who romanticized Rome overmuch. (Yes, a period in which Christianity literally created Universities for the first time, was called the "Dark Ages" by this man.) The second, is agreed upon to be the moment that the West began it's slow descent into Liberalism and Nihilism.

But please, keep yelping and shouting and cutting yourself and dancing into a frenzy for your great and almighty Aryan "god." Maybe this decade will be the one in which he gets his act together. Those bottles of mead you've been pouring have got to be adding up to enough to merit his favor by now.


>Christianity invented prayers

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