PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn! Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 20:55 No.466 del
PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

"My wicked man, Benny Hinn. Oh how I will punish you for all eternity in deepest fiery Hell, says the Living God of Israel. Oh how I will punish you forever for your wickedness, O wicked man of sin and selfishness. For what you call a ministry of Mine is just a moneymaking empire of selfishness and greed. Oh how I will punish you, O wicked man of sin and selfishness! For you refuse to help My disabled whom you seem to be unhelpable, and refuse to minister to My disabled, but send them away through your network of screeners. Oh how I will punish you, even in the Lake of Fire, for you will go there, O greedy man. And your sexual sins have not gone unnoticed by Me, for they were deliberately committed in far-off places of sin, islands of sin offshore. I will punish you forever, for you lead millions astray for money, and call that 'ministry!' Oh you greedy man, Benny Hinn, oh how I will punish you forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire, for you refuse to serve Me, but serve self. You will not do it My way among the masses, but fly through the air to stages galore. For you will not humble yourself to serve Me, but prefer the high life among the masses: jet planes, expensive hotels, and perks galore. For you will not do anything without money, but demand big sums for your work. Abusing the Anointing for My money, which you abuse for self, not Me. For I will punish all your sins which you commit behind the scenes, and I know them all, says the Living God. Prepare to spend eternity in Hell, for I will put you there to be punished forever, O wicked man of sin and damnation. For I know all your sins, O wicked Benny Hinn, which you deliberately committed before Me, and you shall burn forever, says the Living God of Israel."