Chef 01/03/2023 (Tue) 17:26 Id: aa50c5 No.52 del
I like to cook. Rarely go out to eat anymore, only on very special occasions or if commuting long-distance. I buy my foods mostly wholesale, cheaper to buy in bulk and rotate. I save money that way, plus it helps me be more prepared for an unexpected crisis too. Cooking has helped me eat healthier foods, and honestly, better meals in general. I've gotten so good at certain dishes my family don't even want to go out to eat when I cook them.

I'll give you an example of an awesome delicious healthy dish: grab some olive oil, brussel sprouts, fresh garlic, brown sugar and balsamic glaze. Chop up a whole head of garlic and chop the all brussel sprouts in half. Oil up a ceramic baking dish with olive oil, spread the oil all over. Add the chopped brussel sprouts and garlic. Then toss in a couple tablespoons of brown sugar. Squirt some balsamic glaze all over the brussel sprouts and then stir it all together in the ceramic baking dish. Pre-heat the oven to 350(F). Cook the casserole dish on 350(F) for 35 to 40 minutes in the oven. Once the brussel sprouts turn a bit brownish and soft, leave it out to cool for about 5 minutes and then serve. This is both delicious and a very healthy dish.