Chef 01/05/2023 (Thu) 02:33 Id: f318ab No.70 del
I often take sauces separately to avoid things like bread going soggy, you might even bring all the things to make the sandwich separately in a lunchbox like kids do.

Mayonnaise? Well you can buy better mayonnaise, or use something else like the oil the tuna came in, or a herb yogurt.
It's easy but you get raw egg everywhere and it doesn't keep long.
Very good. I often crush sausages rather than slice them because the crushed meat gets more surface area.

I thought Jalfrezi was just a curry sauce, typical fry. So you would just get a bowl of what they call "fry" with a side of either rice, flatbread, papadam etc. I find that if I make the rice separately I'm left with leftover plain rice, which is less of a waste and more easily used in differnt dishes