Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 19:54 No.1425 del
On the outskirts of the quaint little town of Amherst, Ohio, nestled among whispering trees and winding lanes, dwells a rickety old house down a forgotten neighbourhood. In that house's basement, lurks the King of the Emmy community. With jet black hair and beady eyes, he eagerly pulls the strings on every happening that takes place within. His need to control, to dominate, to gain the approval of his Molly tulpa, manifests itself in the infiltration and creation of niche offshoots to populate with his sychophants and groomed children. Waiting in the wings for Dominic to stumble and relinquish the rights to the comic for a small fee, and ready to fight and exclude those who would oppose him, the fate of the Emmy fanbase hangs in a tender balance