/co/mrade 01/05/2016 (Tue) 00:18:31 Id: b89db6 No. 18 del
(304.69 KB 517x498 reyliens.png)
Egad, but I don't want to move chans, again. I will if I have to, but I'd rather HW and what's his fuck had just cut their losses with Josh and fixed the current problems with 8chan.

Endchan Pros:
>Pics actually open in window instead of fucking opening a new one like Rext.

>We're going to be scattered to the fucking winds all over again, decreasing our population all over again
>Hot Wheels will get his arms broken by the Jews he owns money to

At least when we all dumped Redwood's savage ass, we had holy indignation on our side. This time is just sad.