Anonymous 05/19/2017 (Fri) 07:25:23 No. 44 del

-Chris Cornell was found dead in his Detroit hotel bathroom on Thursday morning
-Family friend reportedly found him with a 'band around his neck' about 12:05am
-The 52-year-old spent time chatting to fans and posed for photographs outside the Fox Theatre following a packed gig on Wednesday night with his bandmates
-Cornell's wife, Vicky, called a friend worried when she couldn't reach the rocker
-Vicky Karayiannis spoke to her husband twice on Wednesday night and insists there were no signs he was feeling suicidal or even depressed, sources said
-A medical examiner has confirmed after autopsy the singer 'hanged himself'
-Video of his final gig appeared to show Cornell in good spirits, joking with the crowd and even chatting about his upcoming show which was set for Friday

The last words of Soundgarden suicide victim Chris Cornell were revealed tonight as sources disclosed he died within 60 minutes of leaving a concert stage.

Cornell was said to have behaved 'absolutely normally' spending several minutes with fans and warmly greeting them.

The 52-year-old told fans 'I love you' as he was escorted from the front of the Motor City's Fox Theatre from a door near the main box office.

He wished them luck, posed for selfie photographs and told some he would see them in Columbus, Ohio - where his band were due to perform Friday night.

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