Dread CAPTCHA system for sale Louli 04/30/2021 (Fri) 19:18:36 No.170 del
I have the entire database of Dread CAPTCHA images and my own custom scripts to bypass the CAPTcHA system for spam account creation, vote manipulation, and more. Whatever use you have for Dread accounts, I can help you.

What's in it for me?


Why is this worth it for you?

If you are in control of a large scale phishing site, the money that you can earn by having it "vouched for" and pinned constantly to the top of Dread would be orders of magnitude more. Compared to your gains from having your site at the top of Dread (Which is where every idiot goes, by the way), the cost of my CAPTCHA breaking is pennies on the dollar. This is just one example of what you could use this information for.

You don't trust me. I don't trust you. The scripts / images will be split into pieces so you aren't risking much money at a time, as I will provide some images, scripts, etc, to prove that I'm serious, then payment, repeat the process until the full sum is paid and you have all of the images and scripts.

I am open to reasonable offers from any interested party. You can find me at [email protected].

PGP encrypt your emails.

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