Open For Business! New Haven Market 05/17/2021 (Mon) 12:14:34 No.179 del
New Haven Market

New Haven Market is now open and accepting vendors. The market supports Bitcoin (BTC) and Monero (XMR). If you feel like another coins is a viable option for a DNM, reach out to support and plead your case.

New vendors are required to submit a $500 refundable vendor bond. Well established vendors should register, add their Recon searchable PGP key and send a PGP signed message to support for a bond waiver voucher.

New Haven Market offers most all of the standard features plus a few things you only see here and there. We strive to make the user experience as smooth as possible but we are also open to suggestions.

Market Features:
• Support for Bitcoin and Monero
• User Support Ticket System
• Automated ‘Become a Vendor’ process
• User Wish Lists
• Escrow and/or Finalize Early (FE) transactions
• Referral Bonus Program.
◦ Earn 2.5% of all purchases made by your referrals.

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