☠ #17 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | The Seven Who Stole CaptainBlackbeard's Treasure ☠ Anonymous 02/18/2023 (Sat) 00:27 No.345 del
☠ #17 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | The Seven Who Stole CaptainBlackbeard's Treasure ☠

CaptainBlackbeard Radio New Episode!
Feb. 28th
#17: The Seven Who Stole CaptainBlackbeard's Treasure

Ahoy Mates!

We are so excited to bring ye this new episode which is going to be one of the most humorous and impressive productions we have ever released! A take on the classic "Dirty Dozen" genre of action stories. Elon Musk gathers seven of the worst of the worst to pull off one of the biggest heists of all time while settling old scores!

This episode is also a throwback to our earlier episodes as this one will feature tons of different comedy sketches and little segments on top of the main story. Having been bringing ye these pirate radio broadcasts for a few turns around the globe now. The production and technology of this one is far beyond anything we done before and would have been unthinkable not long ago. The future is incredibly exciting!

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