Доброчанька 12/03/2022 (Sat) 20:12 No.965 del
> Такое и собака напишет.
Я попрошу.
> In 1823 Felix had composed an untitled organ passacaglia in C minor, with twenty-two variations on a recurring ground bass modeled on Bach's iconic example in the same key, BWV 582.
> In 1823, Mendelssohn composed his Volles Werk in C minor. While it was based on J.S. Bach‟s passacaglia in C minor, Mendelssohn‟s version had no final fugue and was instead a set of variations on the theme. This work demonstrated how familiar Mendelssohn was with Bach when he was still only 14 years old.

Автор видева сверху громко назвал "evolves to generate baroque music", но не очень-то у него получилось, хотя он и не старался, конечно, а так себе наваял простенькое.