Queen Winona doomer 01/14/2019 (Mon) 03:48:50 Id: 32ebac No.3 del
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Winona Ryder is a symbol of doom.

If you breed her, she makes more kikes and accelerates your demise. Of course many cannot see her true semitic nature at first glance. They falsely believe her to be White. Unveiling her semitic roots (real name Horowitz) fiercely rips her from your harem, as this niggardly life always does.

We do not worship Winona. She will be used and thrown aside as all the females in the path of our galactic conquest will be. She is only a reminder that Existence is a Nigger.

Learn from this.
Edited last time by nonono on 01/14/2019 (Mon) 04:58:04.