DumpsterDigger 02/11/2024 (Sun) 23:16 Id: 10756a No.1186 del
>board findings about shills and spam activity
1) the child porn bot spammer, in one instance of its spam, has been identified to be using a swedish ip (the post with the flag was deleted by the site admins unfortunately, so no direct proof of it remains >>1122 ) (the site admin though says that specific bot spammer is well known and uses ip from anywhere, most likely uses vpn and other proxies)
2) the dick pics spammer is very likely also the same person who porn spammed in the christian dump, because both posted from a tor ip in a very similar timeframe, meaning the dicks pics spammer also carries anti-christian porn images, which probably means the dicks pics spammer is a jew, given: faggotry + anti-christianity (both jewish values)

tor posting has been disabled given the recent abuse of it