DumpsterDigger 02/16/2024 (Fri) 16:29 Id: 5f352e No.1472 del
The greatest redpill is that the american model democracy is a dictatorship of the multinational corporations.
You can't vote out a dictatorship, a dictatorship is based only on power not on votes, a dictatorship is removed only with violence.

A dictatorship is weakened only when there is more violence against it than the violence the dictatorship can produce.
A dictatorship loses only when who controls it is removed with violence.

The voting systems of democracies exist to limit the violence involved in the power swift in leadership,
the new ruling party or class gets to power just by votes, and the previous rulers step down without violence according to the votes,
but if the voting is removed or made worthless, or if the current ruling party doesn't step down from power when the votes ask for it,
then only the base violence remains to manage a new power shift of leadership.

Power shifts of leadership happens all the time, dictatorships just don't bother to manage how that shift happens, and leave it to chaos and violence to settle things,
dictatorships accept that risk, of violence to remove them, because the rulers of dictatorships are often backed by the assumption to be the holders of the greatest violence, and so to be unmatched and safe from any possible power shift.

The ruling corporations are backed in their dictatorship model by the assumption to be the holders of the greatest violence and of the greatest propaganda manipulation.