DumpsterDigger 01/29/2024 (Mon) 19:30 Id: 76d3ec No.313 del
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The prediction of Alois Irlmaier:

A new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans.

The spark will ignite in the Balkans and escalate in the Mediterranean

I see a big man. Immigrant. He is covered in blood and next to him is a knife … 2 men kill the third. They are paid to do so. One killer is black, the other is white and blonde. It will happen in the Balkans, but I can not say exactly where. War will be declared everywhere in one night.

I see 3 more numbers that I do not know what they mean. Two eights and a Nine. It will start in the east but it will come quickly in the west ….

I see men drinking and playing cards in a bar when soldiers force their way into the shop. They are all wearing black suits and I see a 3 (number) but I can not say what it is … 3 days or 3 weeks.

I see an army passing through Belgrade and reaching Italy.

I see that they will have some tanks and they will go from the north of the Danube to the west of Germany without warning. People will run to hide and there will be traffic jams on the streets (note that until 1959 there was no traffic jams anywhere in the world because there were not enough cars).

There will be a great catastrophe and no one from the Great City of Frankfurt will survive. The Rhine valley will burn and no one will survive. I also see the Russian force…

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