DumpsterDigger 02/08/2024 (Thu) 18:35 Id: f92678 No.947 del
Every place is full fo glowniggers, even though for a simple matter of limited resources they can't send armies of glowfaggots to every single place equally, so they prioritize the biggest places
the more people gather up in a place, the more glowniggers are there meddling and manipulating, the lying fags aim to control the general population afterall, so the more people they manipulate the more efficient they think to be
but any place has glowniggers, the smallest places just have one or few, who will eventually call up support if they notice too much activity
it's just best to assume there are always glowniggers around, and be always alert to deceptive behavior as to avoid falling into it

There was an interesting article somewhere about the estimated total numbers of glowniggers employed by the american government, the number was something around 500000 people, a little city of only glowniggers (that number did exclude the army personel, which is also involved in glownigger activities against their own citizens)
Then obviously, there are the glowniggers from other nations, then there are the glowniggers on a payroll from a corporation, and who knows what else