Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 13:47:15 No.109 del
In conclusion.

I didn't like it, the first 20 or so episodes were bland and a bit silly and then it just went stupider from there. I was disappointed by Rei and Asuka as well, they are often spoken of and referenced and people often raise them on some pedestal as if they are the archetype of blue haired and red haired characters but I actually didn't think they were really even fit for those character types they were supposed to have inspired. Rei was just boring and Asuka was a generic immature brat or even a trollop(although in some ways she felt more like an immature western/3d brat than an anime one). There was a fair amount of forced drama in this that made little sense and was poorly executed and then the end was four episodes of garbage much of which was just repetitive notions on loneliness and feelings of worthlessness that even Naruto handled better.