Anonymous 04/02/2024 (Tue) 12:43 Id: 66db33 No.1426 del
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I've seen that claim a lot on other sites, but never have found the source either. Not even sure who made it up to begin with. The only thing I know about the subject is Hitler's speech to him in Berlin on September 26, 1937 and then Mussolini's replying praise of the Fuhrer.

I don't even know why Fascism was so hated by the Antifa kikes. Nor why they brutally murdered Benito and Clara Petacci. I have found no villainy accusation leveled against Italy in deceptive propaganda as it was against Germany. Only the fact they were Fascist. Which compared to Bolshevism, was not mass starvations of Russia's Holodomor, not mass executions for "anti semitism" and possession of The Protocols.

It's not like Fascists singled out kikes as Germany did. What did Italy do to deserve their hatred?
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/02/2024 (Tue) 12:44.