Anonymous 09/26/2018 (Wed) 00:52:07 No.31 del
Telegram channels fetching in your browser, as iframes.

Without JS:
CH="gayasylum" FROM=170 TO=199 (echo "data:text/html;base64,"; (for i in
seq FROM $TO
; do echo "<iframe src=\"{i}?embed=1\"></iframe>";">{CH}/${i}?embed=1\"></iframe>"; done)|base64)|xclip
Change the ch, from and to bits, run this and paste your X11 primary selection into your browser. Don
t do big (> 100) ranges, you may get hiccups. Well, you *will* get them anyway, but won
t give out htmls as requested on many simultaneous attempts.

With JS:
(echo "data:text/html;base64,";(echo '<script>(function(){var max = 500; var i = 1; var timer = setInterval(function(){if (i <= max) {var el = document.createElement("iframe"); el.src=("" + i + "?embed=1"); document.body.appendChild(el); i += 1;} else {clearInterval(timer);}}, 500);}());</script>' | base64))|xclip

Your points of interest are values of max, i and the /gayasulum/ thing. And a timer value, the second 500.