board owner 09/15/2019 (Sun) 05:48:58 Id: 5a76fe No.11 del
By the way this is the board owner you have been speaking with.

>I find it important to have two or three people who all the website code, keys, data and stuff is shared with - in the event of me not being willing or able to continue hosting, others can take up the torch.
I happen to be a bit of a codefag myself, and also have the necessary hardware to host (a used dell poweredge). If when you're done you send me the code I'd be glad to hold onto it in case I need to host. Anyway thanks for keeping us posted on your progress.

Saved. Any propaganda we can get is useful at this point. Feel free to post more if you have more.

>sorry for the triple posting
Don't worry about it, it makes the board look more active.