my story Anonymous 11/27/2016 (Sun) 21:00:53 No. 31 del
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>Be me.
>Be the youngest of three children and the only girl.
>No male role models in the home as I grew up because my father took off within days after I was born.
>Mother was left to raise us when the oldest brother was 4 and the middle brother was 3 and as I said, I was just days old. >The first thing I remember of discipline in the home was when my oldest brother was late getting home from school.
>Mother took Michael into his room and stripped him naked and whipped his ass with a switch from the yard.
>She didn't close the door and I watched as she put red marks across his butt.
>He screamed and fought to stop her but it only made her whip him harder.
>It seams a though from that day forward neither of the boys could do anything right, almost everyday one of them was stripped and punished.
>Mother started to make sure that I was watching every-time they were disciplined. >I know she enjoyed doing it to them because she would tell me every-time how worthless they were and that someday they would turn into worthless men.
>In my preteen years I felt sorry for them but as I grew older I began to enjoy watching as they were being beaten.
>Once when Michael was about 16 he tried to see a girl behind mothers back but she found out.
>I wasn't sure if she was going to kill him or not but I figured she knew what she was doing.
>She had stripped him and as she was whipping his ass she made sure the tip of the belt went between his legs and slapped his balls.
>On the first hit he dropped to the floor like a rock.
>I almost wet myself as I watched him trying to protect his balls.
>He was unable to get up as mother kept wailing away with the belt.
>The belt went across his ass and the backs of his legs and everything he moved his hands to save his ass the next fling of the belt went across his balls.

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