sage Awanama 08/26/2022 (Fri) 00:51 No.13433 del


Under the commentary of verse 4:13, a brief portion explains what the divisions constitute:

It may incidentally be noted here that heirs are divided into two main groups:

Dhawu’l-Fara’id (sharer) i.e. persons to whom Islam allots a fixed and definite share (1/2, ¼, 1/8, 2/3, 1/3, or 1/6) in the estate of a deceased person.
‘Asabat (residuary) i.e. the heirs who receive the residue after the Dhawu’l Fara’id have received their allotted shares.
It is, however, not necessary that a member of the first group should always remain a Dhu’l Farida (sharer). In certain cases, he may be both a Dhu’l Farida (sharer) and an ‘Asaba (residuary) and in other cases he may be simply an ‘Asaba (residuary).

The Dhawu’l-Fara’id (sharers) are 12 in number, four males and eight females.

The males are:

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