The Turner Diaries Anonymous 03/08/2020 (Sun) 06:57:36 Id: e7d65b No.129 del
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I just finished this novel, and holy fuck is it a good read. The problem being is that it's also a big fat black pill.

Quick tl;dr SPOILERS:
Race war now! White insurgency starts out slowly and an uphill battle, many difficulties. After years they gain territory in California. They deport all the niggers and spics. "Day of the Rope" is when they hang all the race traitors in their territory. They eventually win the race war, turn Israel into glass, scorch Asia, and save the white race.


But revolutionaries were able to organize and any deterents the System was planning to put into place, they defeated before they were implemented.
In the real world those systems are already in place. National ID, ID being required for big purchases and hotels, a cashless society so every purchase is linked to the person. There is no "Organization" because any organization is a fucking honeypot.
That's the reason why it's a big fat black pill. There's really no fucking hope for us. Pence and Trump are proclaiming on national television that anti-zionism is anti-semitic and will not be tolerated.

There is no saving us....

Or is there?
what is the plan from here!