Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 15:04:33 No.20 del
Same rules as always,

Rule 1: keep it legal
Rule 2: no spamming

Calm down, spergy, no I don't have a backup of anything, just the CSS - the design with Viv kicking the Jew.
And a VPN just protects you from your ISP tracking you, the 5 eyes are always watching you.
If you want opsec, buy a used laptop, get tails, use public wifi - but never the same one over and over. Other than that, they know.
You think they didn't know about any of these shooters? I don't really know.

"Kill all niggers" is protected speech, my friend. Supreme Court ruled on that. As long as a it's not specific and an immediate call to action.
I'd check with the admin about what they'll allow, but as long as no one is calling out targets and times, should be legal.

And even if it was possible to restore the board to before it was wiped, I wouldn't. You owned the board, I wouldn't ask the admin to undo what you wanted done to it. If someone else wanted to claim it and preserve it, then it was up for grabs.