Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:42:03 Id: a3baf7 No.61 del
You know we can restore everything really easily right?

There was a massive board slide on /tech sometime last year and the BO wrote a script for the endchan/lynx API to do full board restorations from without needing to reupload files.
The bit starting at line 166 is for bumping the threads that were pushed down back to the top, you can just remove that. If you do want to bump threads, fill in the thread IDs. I hardcoded them because finding the IDs automatically wouldn't work well if I interrupted the script and restarted it (which I had to do once to fix a bug).
Line 146, 151, 153, 164 and 170 have the board name hardcoded (you can also just ctrl+f "tech"). You should replace that by your own board. For line 145/146 you should replace the entire URL by the URL of the exact catalog webpage capture you want to recover.
It only recovers threads if they're at page 10 or less in the catalog archive and they 404 on the real site.

You just need to turn off any posting and bump limits.