Planning the unknown PlanningGod & more* 07/22/2022 (Fri) 13:05:46 No.1220 del
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Dealing with the unknown future. Trying to guess the best probable future.
We're planning for All (but we don't know it all).
We're planning for things that we don't know yet (beyond our current wisdom); we're planning for things that don't exist yet.
We're planning for life systems that change over time.
We're planning for things that we didn't replan yet, because we can change our mind and heart!
Without fear to the unknown/completely unknown; let's hope for the best!!

Posted in our magnificent/glorious website:

*More: GodOfAll, WiseGod, AscendGod, BeyondGod, ExpandGod, HeartGod & BlissGod

the best:
probable future:

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