Varieties of harmony Various authors (no, just me) 07/25/2022 (Mon) 05:41:54 No.1228 del

CommunicationGod: OK. I'll start. Harmonious discussion.
ControlOfAll: Harmonious rules.
PlanningGod: Harmonious plan.
HeartGod: Harmonious desires.
GodOfAll: Universal harmony (>>916).
GodOfAll: Eternal harmony.
CommunityGod: Harmonious community.
BlissGod: Harmonious emotional system!
EnergyGod: Harmonious energy.
GoodGod: Ethical harmony.
PureGod: Pure harmony (>>1068).
CoreGod: Core harmony.
EnlightenGod: Very well elaborated mental harmony!!
HomeGod: Deeply harmonious home!
ExpandGod: Harmonious expansion.

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