Reality check LogicalGod* 04/04/2023 (Tue) 04:27 No.1582 del

Because the reasoning is logically correct doesn't mean that it is truth or a fact. A lot of misinformation happen that way.
Some (females) are even using feelings to validate their logic, that could lead to many delusions.
A reality check is appropriate for every assumption.

We try to be logically correct and factually correct at the same time.

Keyword: Facts.
Related: Delusional >>579, Verification >>1498

*More names: TruthGod WiseGod AnalysisGod CommunicationGod PhysicGod/FisikGod ScienceGod WisdomGod BlissGod ImplementGod HeartGod BeyondGod PureGod ConsciousGod


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