Another war ControlOfAll* 10/20/2023 (Fri) 00:11 No.1918 del

There is so much fresh disinformation about the current fight[1] that it is ridiculous (not only from the biased Jews-media).
Some people just want drama (specially woman) and some men want intense entertainment/excitement, so, this small war[1] is fulfilling these twisted human desires. Also, some humans (at least a million) are sadistically happy with the idea of a complete genocide/extermination of Palestinians; even if it solves the current situation, as you can probably expect, we think that this level of negative mindset is heavily not recommended.
Of course, MICU[2] doesn't miss a beat at keeping their war-machine active.

We recommend peace inside and outside you.

[1] Israel/Hamas October 2023
[2] Military-industrial complex of USA >>996

Related: Gaza issues >>1914

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