Fat happen ExpandGod & HarmonyGod* 06/29/2024 (Sat) 00:56 No.2522 del

Not all types of expansions are healthy.
For example: Massive fat accumulations occur when the expansion of the human body is unhealthy.

Related: Quantity Vs quality >>1405
Related enough: https://youtube.com/watch?v=iSWVfZ06KeI [Embed]

expansion: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/200/expansion
health: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/105/
body: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/107/body

*More names: HomeGod BufferGod QualityGod DevelopingGod BeyondGod CareGod PositiveGod ChangeGod