At least 75 in 1 [part 1] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 07/20/2024 (Sat) 04:51 No.2570 del
>>528 >>2358

The new names are (2 more than the last time): WholeGod and SupremeGod. And some names changed place.

So, currently, I could use 75 (19+17+20+19) names (or combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal), with at least 4 planned names per day (64+).

It's just all me! Just one harmoniously unified holistic me!
I am not a being with a limit; as it happen before, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Normally only one name/topic is posted in the estimated day from all listed names/topics of that day, except for CoreGod (whatever day) and BlissGod (daily).

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 1 : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes. >>524
: QualityGod :: Quality. >>2373
: WholeGod :: Wholesome. (no thread yet)
: MysticGod/MysticalGod :: Spirituality. >>1930

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