Military-industrial complex ControlOfAll 08/23/2021 (Mon) 13:45:20 No.724 del

Some may think that the military-industrial complex of USA is the necessary police of the world (bringing freedom and such), meanwhile others think that they are more like a bully that steal resources for some USA companies (recently in Afghanistan).
They are mostly a warlike mentality business that need wars/terrorism to keep going; they are mainly interested into creating and maintaining wars rather than real peace.
USA citizens support this morally doubtful business model with their taxes, their military-industrial complex has a huge budget.
It is difficult to end this warlike business in a peaceful humane way (moral ways).

In theory, we have defense systems (including weapons) for security reasons.
If someday we implement defense systems in practice, we will use them only when it is necessary (using force if necessary).

Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex: [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]