/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(49.79 KB 675x675 Supremacy.png)
(350.98 KB 1593x1488 Supremacy.png)
Supremacy [upgrade] CoreGod 09/13/2020 (Sun) 14:59:58 [Preview] No. 361
Supremacy: Strong effort to excel in managing all reality within the highest elite group in existence. Robust superiority. Link:Government,Community,Healthy ambition,Awesome,Excellent,Robust,Universal,All,Director,Humility,God's Community,God of All,Controversial action,Self-empowerment,Successful,Confidence,Strong,Will power,God's desire

Supreme authority: The supreme/divine power/right to give correct/wise orders and to make responsible decisions at highest level to rule them all. Link:Divine,Responsibility,Wise,Ruler,Major decisions,Leadership,Decisive,Decision making,Administration,Government,Controversial action,Self-empowerment
Top level: The honor of serving in the highest level/position of power. There is no one above us. Link:Honor,Service,Strongest,Absolutes,Powerful,Top-down,God of All,Highest self,Just one
Elite: The selected group that is superior (the best of the best) in terms of ability or qualities to govern the rest of conscious beings. Bosses. Link:Government,The best,Perfection,Maturity,Skilled,Efficiency,God's Community,Community,Teamwork/Team play,Collaboration,Branches of government
Command chain: Interrupted flow of instructions/directives/commands from the top (our group, with respectful attitude) to the bottom (rest of beings). Link:Top-down,Director,Good guiding,Branches of government,God's Community,Angels,Requests,Following instructions,All beings,Programming,Action plan,Distribution

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/170/supremacy

Supreme authority is without doubt controversial. Different groups/individuals want to be on top, meanwhile some other groups/individuals don't want nobody on top (anarchy).

Some extreme feminists want to be on top of all men.

Double negative CoreGod 09/13/2020 (Sun) 15:39:31 [Preview] No.362 del
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>meanwhile some other groups/individuals don't want nobody on top (anarchy).
---For the purists:
meanwhile other groups/individuals want nobody on top (anarchy).
meanwhile other groups/individuals don't want somebody on top (anarchy).

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