/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(58.90 KB 675x675 Global plan.png)
(431.79 KB 1580x1452 Global plan.png)
Global plan [upgrade] CoreGod 09/14/2020 (Mon) 18:55:17 [Preview] No. 363
Global plan: Universal/eternal master plan or "Divine plan" for everything/everyone/All. Link:Eternal methods,Eternal,Universal,All,All beings,Believe system,Major decisions,Divine,This,Behaviour,Absolutes,Global globalization

Global goals: The best global desires/intentions to make all that exists to work really well. Link:The best,Well meaning,Desire for good,Care,The well-being of All,Prosperity,Universal good,Heart
The best future: Planning all the future (eternity), based in the best predictions. Link:Highest good,Hope,Probable future,Consequences,Eternal,Planning,The best,Perfection,Fixing plan
Planning: Global intelligence/consciousness that creates and modifies all types of plans, specially/mostly global/universal planning. Link:Wise,Intelligence,Design,Mind,All ways to think,Logic,Preparation,Universal,Global globalization,Major decisions,Methodology,Schedule
Global guidelines: Ideas (guiding principles) that are the perfect transition/translation/correlation between the goals of God's Community and practice/actions. Link:Global goals,Theory,Wisdom,Suggestions,Reasons,All important knowledge,God's Community,Moral theory,Behaviour,Practice,Actions,Top-down,Good guiding,Field,Energetic systems
Action plan: Advanced list of actions/directives/decisions on how implement the global guidelines in reality. Link:Global guidelines,Actions,Schedule,Useful,Beneficial,Implementation,Moral practice,Command chain,Manuals,Fixing plan,To fix
Global boundaries: Global limits within is healthy to stay. Usually they are implemented in rules/laws and keep it in place with the security systems. Link:Rules,Security,Necessary laws,Morality,Limiting,Limits to others,Prudence,Handling immorality,Peace treaty,Handling external manipulation,Knowing the limits,Borders

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/144/global-plan

The global plan of God's Community is eternal. In other words, the global plan is not going to end, so there is no hurry to finished it.

Some religious/spiritual people think God executes its divine plan in mysterious ways.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KSJMSqXMDHg [Embed]

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