Endwall 11/29/2020 (Sun) 04:47:04 No.238 del
User Experience Module for RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4fQ8LrghNzs [Embed]
ThreeDRaymaker Nov 25, 2020

Initial test for User Experience (UX) Module for the RC2014. 800x600 Screen at 67Hz.

User Experience Module for RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PydiHBYSWbE [Embed]
ThreeDRaymaker Nov 26, 2020

The User Experience Module for the RC2014 allows the Z80 retro computer to operate stand alone. It supports VGA up to 1024x768 (shown here at 800x600@67Hz) and PS/2 keyboard.

Github respository for the code and hardware details.