Seeker 12/28/2021 (Tue) 01:30:32 No.17 del
Putting this together into a functional understanding has taken years of research into different views and statements. It's in no way complete, so I don't want to be too firm in what I say. It's vague so that you may understand it yourself, maybe recall something of your past lives, and perhaps add to the image.
All I can do is reach a conclusion of some sort, then ask different entities
>is this correct?
>was this how it was in this historical period?
Oftentimes they are unable to reply when asked too complex or wide questions because the understanding that gave rise to the question itself is flawed or irrelevant. Imagine someone asking stupid things all the time, because they lack all kinds of basic information about the topic?
You'd have to start by saying
>first off you're wrong about this, this, this and this
>and the reason you're asking is not relevant either
so the only way to go about it then becomes to teach something practical. That's how you end up with very narrow and seemingly pointless manuals for how to call on such and such demon or something else that doesn't explain shit.
Just my viewpoint right now.