Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 04:19:39 Id: 91b76e No. 238 del
Id like to take a moment to advertise this website i recently discovered. its called the Great courses and its a company that creates lecture series made by college professors on a wide range of topics. One of those being history, and some even have a similar scope to Mr Weber's program here, but i havent checked those out personally, as i felt this program was a sufficent education of thise type for the time being.
i did however check out a series on the Etruscans ( )that i have found highly informative and wish to share this link with you. In the first episode alone i learned a number of surprising things about the relationship between etruscans, greeks, and romans. However, i can not, and will not, upload this particular lecture series in good conscience, as they are currently selling it for 50-80$, depending on your format, but the best choice is only 70 which is only 10$ more than you would spend on a videogame, which i think is a reasonable price considering the amount of knowledge contained within it.
theres also 2 lecture serioes that i would also like to vouch for that are unrelated/semi to history, one is a kind of introduction to philosophy course ( ) which is inherently a history of philosophy, and does discuss matters of antiquity, its a bit pricier, but i feel that on sale it is at a reasonable price for the sheer amount of lectures alone ( 60 half hour lectures)
the last one is a lecture on how to do mental math ( ) and s quite helpful if youre shit at mental math, and only 20 dollars.
just keep in mind that none of these professors hold a candle to Mr Webers Gravitas, stage presence, or mastery of diction and public speaking, but just because they arent as perfect doesnt mean they are outright unwatchable, theyre just not as good.